There are many benefits having a board membership. The privilege of working alongside other outstanding people who are committed to the goals of your organization is a great feeling. You will make connections that will benefit you in both your professional and personal lives. Board service is also a great way to gain insight from other’s perspectives and challenge your own. You can use your expertise to make a real difference in the community or assist in the launch of new ventures.

A talented group of Board members is essential to a company’s success. Boards need a variety of expertise to guide the strategy, policies and financial management, and more. Some organizations have a specific role for their board that requires a certain expertise, like an expert in communications or who is knowledgeable about business finance. A good way to build the expertise needed to accomplish an organization’s goals is to find Board members willing to serve on these subcommittees.

Cons of Board Membership

While the advantages outweigh the negatives, it’s crucial to be aware that being a Board Member is serious commitment, and comes with legal obligations that must be viewed with seriousness. It is also a difficult and time-consuming task that requires a great deal of time, energy, and experience. Board members who have been in the business for a long time can offer the knowledge of institutions that can be invaluable when an organization expands.

When it comes to recruiting it is important to know the reason why a candidate is interested in join your Board. It is easy to identify those who are only seeking to enhance their resume or expand their career plan. But you can also identify those with genuine enthusiasm for the cause. If you can determine the genuine passion of a candidate then they are more likely to be willing to put in their best effort.

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