Big Legal Battles for Google Android
Google has some real big legal problems to solve involving the Android operating system. As Android is a Linux based system, centrally controlled. Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and other companies
Read MoreHuawei MediaPad to feature Android Honeycomb 3.2
However much Google tries, the American market just does not seem to welcome the Android operating system with open arms. However Google continues to put in effort to make Android
Read MoreEnter The Motorola Xoom with Android 3.1
Google Android has always been a part of fresher and better versions of Smartphones and tablets in the market. This week saw the launch of Motorola Xoom with and updated
Read MoreSony’s Android Entry with Music Unlimited Application
In recent times, android has made a statement in the world of mobile and tablets, with many of the new mobiles and tablets released with latest versions of Android. Almost
Read MoreReview of Android Honeycomb 3.1 Display Design
For larger displays like tablets, Google decided to develop a different version of the android OS called honeycomb. My exposure with the tablet version of android came earlier this year
Read MoreGoogle Android’s fight against Malware
Google wants to make Android safer for its users, for this it has removed more malware-infected applications from its Android Market. This action was done in response to the report
Read MoreIncreasing Compatibility of Sprint and Android
The news circulating around is that Sprint is currently testing one of the versions of Apple’s iPhone for its network. Sources of the Apple-centric blog 9to5Mac, say that the physical
Read MoreRepeated Disappointment of Android in the USA
Android has taken the world by storm but not the US. The US market is quite lukewarm towards Android Smartphones and the response of the market towards Android tablets is
Read More5 Simple Steps to Build Your Own Trojan
Malicious apps and Android seem to have a strong bonding. Every few weeks such apps keep coming up in the market; this keeps Google busy; removing the malware all the
Read MoreAndroid App for Voice Encryption
For the past few months, it has been observed that voice calls over the android phones have been the subject of interception and to avoid that Cellcrypt has released an
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